Red Mirchi Powder 99.00199.00

We cannot do without spice in our food. Our everyday cooking involves a liberal use of red chilli powder or green chillies depending on the recipe. But how healthy are they? While eating spicy food or consumption of green chillies is associated with weight loss, not all chillies are healthy. Sohinee Shaw, Senior dietitian at the Fortis Hospital and Kidney Institute, West Bengal tells us which of the two varieties, is a healthier option for everyday consumption:



Red Mirchi Powder:

The health benefits of chili powder (or chilli powder) are incredible. It enhances immunity, maintains goodeyesight, fights against free radicals, detoxifies the internal system, acts as natural pain reliever, boosts metabolism, induces perspiration during summers, and lowers inflammation in the lungs

Additional information

Weight 1 g


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